Monday, April 26, 2010

The Plan by polgara

BTVS/Firefly crossover

"Buffy has her eyes set on something she wants and she has a plan on how to get it. One that requires Jayne’s help. But is he willing to risk death to help her? "

Very nice. Not a lot of backstory, but it really isn't needed. Just a tiny little snippet of what feels like it could have been a longer story. Voices weren't perfectly spot on (Wash felt a bit off) but good anyway.

The Plan

Mr Pointy by jedibuttercup

A BTVS/Firefly story

"Jayne gets into a weapon-comparing contest with Serenity's newest passenger."

A bit random, but cute if you like the genre.

Mr Pointy

Finding Home by Sweetdoggie

A Buffy/Firefly fic

"Buffy, immortal from Willow's resurrection spell, meets the Firefly crew 500 years in the future."

Convincing characters, very well written. It made me smile, and the end was bittersweet, because nothing really ends happily ever after.

Finding Home

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Deep Secrets by *unicorn-skydancer08

A Tinkerbell fic

"There was an old saying, that love was the very best thing that could ever happen to someone…and the very worst. Bobble, otherwise known as Phineas T. Kettletree, Esquire, could honestly say that certainly applied to him. In the tinker fairy's own words, love was as sweet as the first spring rose, yet as sharp as the bitter sting of an angry bee."

Very sweet. I'd write more, but I have a cast on my arm.

Deep Secrets

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grave Survivors by jedibuttercup

A Buffy/CSI crossover

"Nick Stokes isn't the only one who's ever awakened six feet underground."

Little snippits covering a year in the life of Nick and Buffy. the author points out that there is no one that would better understand what Nick went through being buried alive than Buffy. The way they find each other and the interactions are pretty believable. Good story/

Grave Survivors

I'm Yours by moonstalker

A Buffy/CSI crossover

"Buffy's in a relationship, only she's never met him. It's about time she met him. Buffy/Hodges"

Generally speaking, I hate songfics. With a bit of a passion. It's like, "Well, I can't think of what to say, so I'll just steal a song to convey feelings and emotions." That being said, this fic was lovely. The pairing was very different, and it worked seamlessly. There were parts that were a tad cheesy, but let's face it, that's one of the reasons we read love stories!

I'm Yours