Monday, June 14, 2010

Recovery by debjunk

A Harry Potter story

" Severus survives Nagini's bite, but his mental scars will take much longer to heal than his physical ones. Will he let anyone in to help him?"

Eh. It wasn't bad, but it really wasn't great. A bit bland.


34 Reasons I Never Called You by Anaross

BTVS fic

"A list of excuses from Spike."

Not worth the time it took to read it. The voice was wrong, simple facts were wrong (Who the fuck is Joseph Marley? You mean Jacob? One of literature's great and famous entities? Couldn't bother to get the name right? REALLY??), and was just a stream of numbered crap. What a waste.

34 Reasons I Never Called You

Consolation by Magpie

A BTVS story

"Buffy and Devon spend some time at the Bronze."

I like the pairing, and the portrayal of Buffy as a bit detached even then is an interesting way to go.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Thing by Halrloprillalar

A Harry Potter story

"Hermione, Fred, George, summertime."

This story got major points just for the imagery of Fred and George using an Alice in Wonderland style croquet set. Something about that felt right. The righting style is odd, but perfect for this kind of sweltering and flowing ficlet.

Summer Thing

Lady in Red by LeeWeasley

A HP fanfic

"Harry falls in love with a beautiful mystery girl in red ...."

I wanted to like this one. I was looking for a nice sweet oneshot to quench my romantic thirst and this was a complete failure. Not only was it not plausible, the tense kept changing, which was incredibly distracting.

Lady in Red

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear Diary by ozmafics

An HP story

Luna's thoughts after her first kiss from George

Very cute. A bewildered, but still insightful, Luna ponders biological reactions to feelings. My only complaint was the length.

Dear Diary

Legend by Seren

A Harry Potter fic

George merely looked at her blankly. "I'm waiting," he said neutrally, "for Hermione to come back and tell me what the hell a harvest moon is."

A series of accidents and chance meetings under the moon that begins a relationship. George is insightful in this one, and I like that. I think it fits well with his character.


The Dateless Wonders by cinnamon badge

A Harry Potter fic

"While Fred and Angelina fling themselves around the dance floor at the Yule Ball, George Weasley finds himself lonely and bored. Then he notices that he's not the only person there without a date."

This story is painfully cute. This is one of those pairings that has to be handled delicately or I feel that it just doesn't work, but the author handled that beautifully.

The Dateless Wonders

A Harry Potter fanfic

"She supposed that she had never really thought about it much before that day – the day she saw him again, standing in the rain outside her door dripping and gorgeous, like a vision out of a hazy past..."

There are some grammar issues with this one. Commas, apostrophes, compound words split when they shouldn't be. And Percy would have been a fifth year when Hermione started Hogwarts, not a sixth year. But other than that, this story is wonderful. Very plausible and neatly weaved into canon so nothing is exactly amiss.

Catching Fireflies

Possibilities by Pearle

A Harry Potter fic

"Wars make strange bedfellows, but there are many ways to enjoy yourself if you’re open to the possibilities."

Pretty much just Porn without Plot. it is cute though to see Remus as a liberated male that grew up in the sixties, prancing about nude in the bathroom. If you buy that as in character, then the other two are also perfect. Even though it was high on smut and low on plot, I liked it.
