Monday, June 14, 2010

Recovery by debjunk

A Harry Potter story

" Severus survives Nagini's bite, but his mental scars will take much longer to heal than his physical ones. Will he let anyone in to help him?"

Eh. It wasn't bad, but it really wasn't great. A bit bland.


34 Reasons I Never Called You by Anaross

BTVS fic

"A list of excuses from Spike."

Not worth the time it took to read it. The voice was wrong, simple facts were wrong (Who the fuck is Joseph Marley? You mean Jacob? One of literature's great and famous entities? Couldn't bother to get the name right? REALLY??), and was just a stream of numbered crap. What a waste.

34 Reasons I Never Called You

Consolation by Magpie

A BTVS story

"Buffy and Devon spend some time at the Bronze."

I like the pairing, and the portrayal of Buffy as a bit detached even then is an interesting way to go.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Thing by Halrloprillalar

A Harry Potter story

"Hermione, Fred, George, summertime."

This story got major points just for the imagery of Fred and George using an Alice in Wonderland style croquet set. Something about that felt right. The righting style is odd, but perfect for this kind of sweltering and flowing ficlet.

Summer Thing

Lady in Red by LeeWeasley

A HP fanfic

"Harry falls in love with a beautiful mystery girl in red ...."

I wanted to like this one. I was looking for a nice sweet oneshot to quench my romantic thirst and this was a complete failure. Not only was it not plausible, the tense kept changing, which was incredibly distracting.

Lady in Red

Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear Diary by ozmafics

An HP story

Luna's thoughts after her first kiss from George

Very cute. A bewildered, but still insightful, Luna ponders biological reactions to feelings. My only complaint was the length.

Dear Diary

Legend by Seren

A Harry Potter fic

George merely looked at her blankly. "I'm waiting," he said neutrally, "for Hermione to come back and tell me what the hell a harvest moon is."

A series of accidents and chance meetings under the moon that begins a relationship. George is insightful in this one, and I like that. I think it fits well with his character.


The Dateless Wonders by cinnamon badge

A Harry Potter fic

"While Fred and Angelina fling themselves around the dance floor at the Yule Ball, George Weasley finds himself lonely and bored. Then he notices that he's not the only person there without a date."

This story is painfully cute. This is one of those pairings that has to be handled delicately or I feel that it just doesn't work, but the author handled that beautifully.

The Dateless Wonders

A Harry Potter fanfic

"She supposed that she had never really thought about it much before that day – the day she saw him again, standing in the rain outside her door dripping and gorgeous, like a vision out of a hazy past..."

There are some grammar issues with this one. Commas, apostrophes, compound words split when they shouldn't be. And Percy would have been a fifth year when Hermione started Hogwarts, not a sixth year. But other than that, this story is wonderful. Very plausible and neatly weaved into canon so nothing is exactly amiss.

Catching Fireflies

Possibilities by Pearle

A Harry Potter fic

"Wars make strange bedfellows, but there are many ways to enjoy yourself if you’re open to the possibilities."

Pretty much just Porn without Plot. it is cute though to see Remus as a liberated male that grew up in the sixties, prancing about nude in the bathroom. If you buy that as in character, then the other two are also perfect. Even though it was high on smut and low on plot, I liked it.


Monday, April 26, 2010

The Plan by polgara

BTVS/Firefly crossover

"Buffy has her eyes set on something she wants and she has a plan on how to get it. One that requires Jayne’s help. But is he willing to risk death to help her? "

Very nice. Not a lot of backstory, but it really isn't needed. Just a tiny little snippet of what feels like it could have been a longer story. Voices weren't perfectly spot on (Wash felt a bit off) but good anyway.

The Plan

Mr Pointy by jedibuttercup

A BTVS/Firefly story

"Jayne gets into a weapon-comparing contest with Serenity's newest passenger."

A bit random, but cute if you like the genre.

Mr Pointy

Finding Home by Sweetdoggie

A Buffy/Firefly fic

"Buffy, immortal from Willow's resurrection spell, meets the Firefly crew 500 years in the future."

Convincing characters, very well written. It made me smile, and the end was bittersweet, because nothing really ends happily ever after.

Finding Home

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Deep Secrets by *unicorn-skydancer08

A Tinkerbell fic

"There was an old saying, that love was the very best thing that could ever happen to someone…and the very worst. Bobble, otherwise known as Phineas T. Kettletree, Esquire, could honestly say that certainly applied to him. In the tinker fairy's own words, love was as sweet as the first spring rose, yet as sharp as the bitter sting of an angry bee."

Very sweet. I'd write more, but I have a cast on my arm.

Deep Secrets

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grave Survivors by jedibuttercup

A Buffy/CSI crossover

"Nick Stokes isn't the only one who's ever awakened six feet underground."

Little snippits covering a year in the life of Nick and Buffy. the author points out that there is no one that would better understand what Nick went through being buried alive than Buffy. The way they find each other and the interactions are pretty believable. Good story/

Grave Survivors

I'm Yours by moonstalker

A Buffy/CSI crossover

"Buffy's in a relationship, only she's never met him. It's about time she met him. Buffy/Hodges"

Generally speaking, I hate songfics. With a bit of a passion. It's like, "Well, I can't think of what to say, so I'll just steal a song to convey feelings and emotions." That being said, this fic was lovely. The pairing was very different, and it worked seamlessly. There were parts that were a tad cheesy, but let's face it, that's one of the reasons we read love stories!

I'm Yours

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Like a Woman Scorned by Lovelikethemovies

A Harry Potter/BTVS crossover

"After all, a dragon hath no fury like a woman scorned. Or something along the lines of that. Charlie meets Buffy at the site of a Horntail escape."

Not bad, but not great. Utterly forgettable.

Like a Woman Scorned

Trust and a little bit of fairy dust by kalina blue

A Harry Potter story

"All Hermione wants to do is work, but Fred has different plans."

Beautifully cute, perfectly written, and not overdone, as many holiday themed stories are. I really liked it, and it think the pairing is brilliantly done, since it is a tricky one to pull off.

Trust and a little bit of fairy dust

Five Times Claire Feels Lost (and one time maybe she’s found) by blueeyelinerx

A Heroes story

"Claire thinks that she is like the coffee, a little bit of herself spilling out at a time, leaving disappearing marks, until there is no more."

Anyway, you can read this story however you want - the author makes it AU, but don't let that stop you. It follows Claire, from high school to higher learning, capturing moments of a life half-lived as she goes about her business, enjoying very little of what comes her way. She works and studies and maybe-sometimes-might even have a relationship of sorts with Peter, but nothing between them is voiced, nothing is certain, and she's not sure how much more she can take of all the uncertainty in life.

I think this is pretty much my Claire, even if it's not quite - at first - my Peter, and I really like how the author manages to make Claire both naive and jaded, quite an impressive feat. I also like the flow of the words - the story is one of those ones that you can just read because it's conversational and inviting and moves nicely along. Not always happy, not entirely angsty, this is an interesting look at a possible future, with good bits, bad bits, and even a dash of hope.

Five Times Claire Feels Lost (and one time maybe she’s found)

Rage/Confusion by thete1

A BTVS fic

"He's easy when he's drunk."

I'm not sure I like this, to be honest. It's stark, raw, pretty dark, but I felt more needed to be established before it would feel in character. I don't know. This one left me feeling nothing.


Uncommon by Lightdemondarkangel

A Btvs/Supernatural Crossover

"Buffy and Faith join Dean and Sam along on their hunt for the supernatural. On the way, romance blossoms between a certain slayer and a certain hunter."

Terrible. It was a struggle just to get through it. Grammar's not great, story is far to disjointed. I understand that it's supposed to be drabble-esque, but it just didn't work.


Toilet Companion by solas_divided

A Harry Potter Story

"Sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do, but who would have thought she would have company?"

I giggled most of the way through this. It's something I can see a woman doing and if you have to get caught, this is the way it should happen!

Toilet Companion

Destination Unknown by Yahtzee

A BTVS fic

"Six conversations. Five unanswered questions. Four people. Three relationships. Two continents. One big honkin' crystal from who knows where."

It's original and inventive and the Giles descriptions in particular are fantastic - he's not a young man, and he has valid reasons for trying to avoid this kind of relationship with Buffy. The Angel-reflection was absolutely spot on, and I loved all the little details - Connor wanting a new name, Buffy reading on Giles' couch, Giles' knee cracking when he sits on the floor. Truly, this is a wonderful read - yes, it's been Jossed, but AUs are fine - and I love to see something crafted with so much appreciation and care for what we know from the show. Beautiful and intelligent and so very honest - a fic that does this awkward ship justice.

Destination Unknown

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New York Blooms by entrenous88

A BTVS story

"Tonight Buffy is Joan, and Connor is Steven."

I like the distracted vagueness of this piece. Its abstract and then it becomes clear, almost like waves climbing the beach. The pairing is a hard one to make convincing, but this does it in an absolutely plausible way.

New York Blooms

A Girl Named Tex by losertini

A Heroes Fanfic

"There was a perfectly good reason it was Tex and not Claire."

I'm generally not a crazyass!future fic kind of girl, but I really liked this strong and forward-thinking Claire. I honestly don't think she'd grow up to be this sort of woman, but it was great to read in these few (too short!) paragraphs how she'd toughened up, become hard in her own way. There are some subtle stabs of humour and I found the writing quite evocative, if brief - I could get the sense of this future immediately and no words were wasted in bringing the reader in. Interesting, if not so plausible, and well worth the read.

A Girl Named Tex

Who By Accident by k

A BTVS story

"School never works for Buffy, she's always meeting possibly evil cute boys."

I didn't think I was going to like this, to be honest. The pairing kinda wigged me, and I had low expectations going in. That being said, this was pretty brilliant. The characterizations were nothing short of amazing and there were some lines in here that I swear could have been a part of the show. Amazing story that makes this wacky pairing entirely believable.

Who By Accident

#493 (Granite Rose) by Kate Andrews

A Heroes Fanfic

"He watches her with an artist's attention to detail."

I love this story so much because I'm twisted, but also because it thumbs its nose at poor old Peter. He's put so much faith in those drawings of the future, and here he's dug his own grave because he's drawn himself and Claire, inextricably, inevitably together, whatever his moral qualms may be. It's brilliant and painful and euphoric and I can't believe it's just over 1000 words because it says and does everything I want a Peter/Claire fic to...say and do. Fantastic, wonderful, and other adjectives that mean "really good". Read it, please.

#493 (Granite Rose)

The Price of Freedom by rhosymedre47

A Harry Potter Fanfiction

"Hermione decides that it is time for some reforms to the wizarding world system of justice and enlists Snape's support."

I'll say right off that while I had some issues with this story, it was a wholly engrossing read. Firstly, the mechanics are a little wonky - there were missing commas/other punctuation and some sentences were a bit odd. Secondly, I found the random sex scene entirely unnecessary and gratuitous. However, as a whole, this fic is excellent - long and meaty, with an interesting plot, some clever snippets of law, a liberal helping of humor and some quite brilliant exchanges between a mellowed Snape and an older Hermoine. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I really appreciate the obvious effort the author has put into this intriguing story, and it's well worth the journey to the crack side, if you're into that kind of thing.

The Price of Freedom

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

All She Ever Wanted: Money Can't Buy Everything by debjunk

A Harry Potter Fanfiction

" Hermione Granger had a job that gave her everything she wanted. However, money can't buy the one thing she desires most, the love of the reclusive Severus Snape."

Well thought out plot with good characterizations. Very nice writing as well.

All She Ever Wanted: Money Can't Buy Everything

I Fall by Kass

A Firefly story

"River knows what she wants."

I like Mal's voice in this - I find his qualms very in-character, and there's even a mention of the 'special hell'. River is also nicely drawn and I especially enjoyed how she stuck to her guns. Mal/River as a ship has things that need to be addressed before it would ever work, and while the story is too short to cover everything, it certainly gives it a fair shot. Well-written, and an engrossing study of an awkward relationship. Lovely words.

I Fall

the streets of paris are littered with her ends by fated addiction

A Heroes fic

I hope he burned,” she says quietly, curling into the crook of Dad’s arm."

. Broken interludes connect together to illustrate her attempts to adjust to this new and empty procession of days, and the writing keeps us quite distant, allowing us a unique view on her situation. I not sure if I completely loved this Claire, but she was well-written and her bitterness and guilt tugged at my heartstrings. An interesting fic.

the streets of paris are littered with her ends

One Too Many by Djinn1

A BTVS story

" When the death of a slayer affects Giles too much, Buffy is called to Cleveland by Faith."

I can see that the change between Giles and Buffy from an almost-professional to romantic relationship is a difficult transition and it isn't always handled very well in fics. This story, although short, makes the change appear seamless, and it's definitely the most natural portrayal of it that I've ever seen. The characters feel like they've been lifted straight from the show, and the dialogue, especially Faith's, is snappy, clever and absolutely perfect. A very enjoyable story, and for the pairing, surprisingly light on the angst. A must-read.

One Too Many

Monday, March 8, 2010

The End of Days by dansemacabre


"Nineteen-year old Sarah is back home from college over Christmas vacation, and she's long given up on the Labyrinth and her friends as being just another fantasy she's outgrown. But when Hoggle appears in her mirror with a plea for help, she's dragged back to the Underground. Dire things are happening in the Labyrinth, and Sarah might be the only one who can save it... and the Goblin King."

I've read a fair amount of Labyrinth fanfiction and this is without question the best I have ever found. The characterizations are spot on and the plot is new and original. Highly recommended.

The End of Days

Come Back Baby by CrushedRoses

A Buffy/Supernatural crossover

"Buffy races to the side of her love."

Not good. Plot device trite and far too convenient. Read at your own risk.

Come Back Baby

Khazadul by Rali

A Buffy/LOTR crossover

"And everything seemed to fall into place."

I think this might be my least favorite of what I have read from this author thus far. Not a lot is going on in this one. Seems like the beginning chapter of a longer work, but there's nothing else. Leaves the reader wanting, but not really in a fun way.


Meant by Rali

A Buffy/Star Wars crossover

"He'd known it all his life."

I like this one. There's a good bit of foreshadowing in the way Anakin thinks about "her" (she remains unnamed, but I assume it's Buffy, just because I want to) and you can see that his path will more than likely the same as in the movies, just the focus of his affections changing.


Getting Away by BeccaFran

A Buffy/Supernatural crossover

"Everything seems so normal. But normal doesn't work for them."

It's plausible, if you suspend a bit of reality. The interactions aren't too bad, but I think this one is probably a bit forgettable.

Getting Away

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Traditions by Rali

A Buffy/LOTR crossover

"Christmas is Christmas, wherever Buffy happens to be."

This story is brilliant. There is no explanation for why Buffy happens to be in Middle Earth, and frankly, none are even needed. The author inserts her perfectly, and it is a beautiful and heartwarming little slice of life.


Just the Way You Are by Posidon's Chickadee

A Buffy/Harry Potter Crossover

"Sometimes we find that the the thing we love most about the person who holds our hearts is that they love us just as we are. No qualifiers, no questions."

There was something amazingly sweet about this one. The characters were believable, the plot was nice, and the romance was just enough to make me smile in a horribly sappy fashion the entire time I was reading.

Just the Way You Are

A Touch of Destiny by jezaeiri

A Buffy/POTC crossover

"For one destiny has always had control. For another destiny will begin to show itself."

I'm a big fan of this story. This is actually the second time I've read it because I keep hoping against hope that the sequel will hurry up and get written. Great cohesive way to bring these two fandoms together.

A Touch of Destiny

An Exchange of Hostages by shiv5468

A Harry Potter fanfic

"For a Parselmouth, the Dark Mark is far more than a tattoo. For four former Death Eaters sentenced to life imprisonment, it's a chance at freedom and a future outside of Gravesend Prison."

This story was brilliantly done, but I'll be the first to admit that I've never read anything by shiv that I didn't adore. Everyone was in character, the concept was new and different, and the dialogue was witty and perfect.

An Exchange of Hostages

Loving You by -MentalCucumber-

An Alice in Wonderland story

"Alice has returned after all these years, but what happens when she meets the Hatter?"

This story has a very interesting idea, but it felt far too rushed for me. I would have really liked to have seen the author explore the separation Alice felt from her family, or more interaction with real world characters so we could really taste why they thought she was mad. This could have been a lovely multi-chap with character development and a nice buildup to the Alice/Hatter relationship, but it was a mad dash to the sex, so for me, it fell quite flat.

Loving You

The Mad Hatter Ponders by missylaroux

An Alice in Wonderland story

"The Mad Hatter thinks about where he went wrong with Alice and how he could fix it."

A decent story. Not great. Not bad. But entirely forgettable.

The Mad Hatter Ponders

Making Hats by Tears-Fallen

An Alice in Wonderland story

"The Mad Hatter and Alice share a fated moment while The Mad Hatter is making a hat for the Red Queen."

When I saw the movie on Friday, I was hoping something like this would happen. And although the grammar isn't the best, and neither is the punctuation, it's worth a gander if you like the Alice/Hatter pairing.

Making Hats

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Watch For Me By Moonlight by dansemacabre


"She left the Labyrinth, but he didn't leave her. The Goblin King is content to watch... and wait."

This went in a different direction than I assumed it would, which was clever. It tugged at my heartstrings and leaves the reader guessing at true ending. The title is taken from The Highwayman, which got points from me, and the nature of the story is nicely abstract, allowing the reader to fill in what they think has gone on. I liked it.

Watch For Me By Moonlight

Expert by michmak


“You can use me, if you need to,” she whispered as she slid to the floor and walked towards him. “It’s your job, after all. Your hands could make me work.”

I loved this. The characters were on point, and not just that, but I could see Jayne's mind working this way. I thought it was very well done.


Cold As You by shiningrae

A Buffy/Harry Potter Crossover

"She had nevery been anywhere as cold as him."

It's a pretty classic break up scene, which is a tad cliched, but there are a few layers to it that aren't readily apparent. The people are in character, but there isn't any back story. Just the angstyist snippet the author could possibly think of. Even though it's a tad trite, I rather liked it.

Cold As You

Love Me Not by obiami

Star Wars

"Padme gets caught doing something she shouldn't and Obi-Wan makes his choice."

This fic is a bit angsty, and it had me really feeling something for the shafted character here. And not only that, but it's done in a way that can fit seamlessly into the movies without a problem at all. For a fic to have the subject matter that it does and still fit into canon is a feat that deserves praise.

Love Me Not

Never the Twain Should Meet by Renee2939

Buffy/Harry Potter Crossover

"Xander is the one who sees, and he sees an occupant of Hogwart's that Buffy, considering her past romances, should be kept as far away from as possible."

It's cute. And I can totally see Xander thinking this way. It's only one chapter, even though it has two listed. The second is a shameless plug for another of the author's stories.

Never the Twain Should Meet

I Never by obiami

Star Wars

"Here's what happens the first night the gang spends on Tatooine."

Now, I'm not sure the game 'I Never' exists in the Star Wars universe, but the concept is still pretty good, if you can suspend your knowledge of Padme's age during the Phantom Menace.

I Never

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sane by Rali

Buffy/I am Legend Crossover

"They're both very sane."

I love the starkness in this. You can feel her trying not to freak out and him to calm her the way one would soothe a spooked horse. It just feels right. I highly recommend this for anyone that even has a passing appreciation for either of the fandoms.


My heart wounds by ischky

Harry Potter - Draco/Hermione

"I would happily end up in hell if that's where he would end up. But I knew he wouldn't. He had showed me a side of him I hadn't seen in all my six years at Hogwarts. And I fell sompletly, unconditionally and irrevocably inlove with him."

Spelling errors reproduced intentionally. The entire story is like this. Childish word choices, non-varying sentence lengths, spelling atrocities, and blatant murdering of grammar. And then story is ill-conceived and very teenage. Don't waste your time.

Unless of course, you want to.

My heart wounds

In A Hell Dimension Far Far Away

A Buffy/Star Wars Crossover

Buffy jumps through the portal in "The Gift" and lands in the sands of Tatooine shortly before Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan arrive there on the Queen's spaceship. Buffy naturally adapts to the Star Wars universe and quickly gets to know the two Jedi as she progresses with them through the events of 'The Phantom Menace.' There are two main points to this story- The first is that with Buffy in the mix certain things, both good and bad are going to change (not always necessarily for the better). The second is that this is a humorous love story between Buffy Summers and Obi-Wan.

The Buffy voice in this story is pretty good. Seemed a bit more season one or two than the end of five, but I was more than willing to overlook that because the humor was there, the Obi-wan voice was good, and there was a comprehensive grasp of both fandoms. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you know I'd tell you if I didn't!

In A Hell Dimension Far Far Away