Thursday, March 11, 2010

Destination Unknown by Yahtzee

A BTVS fic

"Six conversations. Five unanswered questions. Four people. Three relationships. Two continents. One big honkin' crystal from who knows where."

It's original and inventive and the Giles descriptions in particular are fantastic - he's not a young man, and he has valid reasons for trying to avoid this kind of relationship with Buffy. The Angel-reflection was absolutely spot on, and I loved all the little details - Connor wanting a new name, Buffy reading on Giles' couch, Giles' knee cracking when he sits on the floor. Truly, this is a wonderful read - yes, it's been Jossed, but AUs are fine - and I love to see something crafted with so much appreciation and care for what we know from the show. Beautiful and intelligent and so very honest - a fic that does this awkward ship justice.

Destination Unknown