Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Price of Freedom by rhosymedre47

A Harry Potter Fanfiction

"Hermione decides that it is time for some reforms to the wizarding world system of justice and enlists Snape's support."

I'll say right off that while I had some issues with this story, it was a wholly engrossing read. Firstly, the mechanics are a little wonky - there were missing commas/other punctuation and some sentences were a bit odd. Secondly, I found the random sex scene entirely unnecessary and gratuitous. However, as a whole, this fic is excellent - long and meaty, with an interesting plot, some clever snippets of law, a liberal helping of humor and some quite brilliant exchanges between a mellowed Snape and an older Hermoine. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I really appreciate the obvious effort the author has put into this intriguing story, and it's well worth the journey to the crack side, if you're into that kind of thing.

The Price of Freedom