Thursday, March 11, 2010

Five Times Claire Feels Lost (and one time maybe she’s found) by blueeyelinerx

A Heroes story

"Claire thinks that she is like the coffee, a little bit of herself spilling out at a time, leaving disappearing marks, until there is no more."

Anyway, you can read this story however you want - the author makes it AU, but don't let that stop you. It follows Claire, from high school to higher learning, capturing moments of a life half-lived as she goes about her business, enjoying very little of what comes her way. She works and studies and maybe-sometimes-might even have a relationship of sorts with Peter, but nothing between them is voiced, nothing is certain, and she's not sure how much more she can take of all the uncertainty in life.

I think this is pretty much my Claire, even if it's not quite - at first - my Peter, and I really like how the author manages to make Claire both naive and jaded, quite an impressive feat. I also like the flow of the words - the story is one of those ones that you can just read because it's conversational and inviting and moves nicely along. Not always happy, not entirely angsty, this is an interesting look at a possible future, with good bits, bad bits, and even a dash of hope.

Five Times Claire Feels Lost (and one time maybe she’s found)